Verifone/Scanner Troubleshooting
Notes : The verifone’s screen will display error messages. Cabling issues can be issues with the cable or the cable isn’t fully seated. ABC needs to TS to be sure the cable needs to be replaced.
The barcode scanners that the guests use(not the previous hand scanners) should beep when they scan something regardless if they’re communicating with windows. If they aren’t beeping after scanning a barcode, make sure the device is clean. If it is, the device may need to be replaced as it isn’t fully booting or receiving power.
- Have club ensure that all wires for the verifone and scanner are plugged in fully and they are receiving power.
- Run this command in CMD(run as admin) to ensure devices not present are shown in Device Manager : SET DEVMGR_SHOW_NONPRESENT_DEVICES=1
- Open Device manager and make sure the option to “show hidden devices” is checked.
- Uninstall(don’t remove drivers) all non-present(they’ll be transparent) devices in these sections : Human Interface Devices, Ports (COM & LPT), USB Controllers and USB Devices(any usb section that may be available).
- Navigate to the Ports section and take note of the COM # of the Verifone/Scanner . The Verifone will show as “MX Family POS Terminal” or the model of the verifone. The new scanners that are setup at front desk PC’s use a serial to USB adapter and show as “USB Serial Port”. If these devices aren’t present(they’re transparent), have the club double check cabling and verify the ABC software/drivers are installed.
- Open the Windows services menu and restart(or start) the 2 ABC services. The first is “ABC Financial Services – EMV Service” and the second is “DataTrakHardwareService2”.
- Click the windows start button and run “DT Hardware Services Manager” as an admin.
- Verifones - Under the VerfioneMX module, make sure it’s disabled and the Comm Port is set to auto or matches the COM # you noted earlier.
- Front Desk/Guest Scanners – Under the “BackgroundCheckIn” module, make sure it’s enabled and the Comm Port is set to the COM # you noted earlier for the USB Serial Port. Also, make sure the Club number matches the ABC Assigned club numbers we were given by them.
- If you made any change in the DT Hardware Service Manager, you MUST use the save option under File before restarting the service. Restart the service so changes take effect. You can do this with the app’s restart button.
- Reboot the computer and ensure the 2 services for ABC are running. If they are, have the user test either device.
- Get the club connected with ABC if this doesn’t resolve the issues. Before you leave the call between ABC and the club, MAKE SURE the ABC tech has the credentials to their domain account with admin rights.
ABC Technical Support : 1.877.222.5767
User : abcsvc
Pass : Abc@2023
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